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Monday, November 5, 2012

Mistakes Naturals Make

Mistakes Naturals Make
  1. Purchasing every product every blogger/vlogger suggests
  2. Not experimenting with your hair to see what styles work for you
  3. Under moisturizing your hair
  4. Not understanding how your hair type (not 4a etc, but porosity, density) affects your hair needs
  5. Forcing your natural hair beliefs on others
  6. Not owning the awesomeness and even novelty of your hair (of course people will comment, sometimes saying stupid things)
  7. Believing everything a fellow natural tells you (i.e. parabens are the devil) you have to know what works for you and why
  8. Wearing it (your hair) exposed to the elements too much, or wearing certain protective styles long enough to damage the hair
  9. Fighting your hair (it has a mind of its own, relinquish power)
  10. Taking a stylist's word to heart without acknowledging the differences in hair beliefs between you


  1. Any additional mistakes you make?

  2. I'm guilty of almost all of this!

    1. Its never too late to make one less mistake daily. And so do I that's how I know lol.
