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Monday, April 29, 2013

Pictures, pictures and more pictures

So over the past several weeks I have done several things with my hair. I did twists with a few leafs in the front, I curled my twists and I did a few twist outs and twisted styles. I plan to post videos but why deprive you of the pictures ? :)

 The curled twists

 tired of trying to get my face right

 After the Phi Alpha Honor Society ceremony

The twists with the leafs in front
So on to what has been bothering me of late, continued comments that my twists look like dreads/locks. Really folks is it the twisting pattern that looks like a lock or the curl at the end of my twists? Ugh lol
The second gripe I have is my stupid itchy/eczema, sebhorric dermatitis. I have tried so many methods, the prescription, the over the counter, the natural, and the result is that all of them work for a while. The really solution seems to simply be washing my hair much more often than I am comfortable with if I want any sort of cute, set style. Oh well que sera, sera. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Semi permanent hair dye update| UPDATE!

So I tried semi-permanent hair dye with mixed results. See the video about my results as well as the styles I wore this week. Also subscribe to my page on YouTube. I want to know if I should keep making videos. :)