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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Words of encouragement for the natural girl

Today a coworker of mine advised me not to ever put chemicals (by this she meant perm/relaxer) on my hair because my hair was beautiful as it is. I must say this made my day and may continue to make me happy tomorrow. I often feel less attractive with my natural hair than I did with my artificially straight hair. I wonder if guys don't like me because my hair is "nappy". I am always sure that extended look at my new attempt at hair styling is disapproval.
I suggest offering kind words to those natural girls/ladies in your life. We need them. Some words from myself:
No you don't look like you did before, this doesn't mean you aren't still beautiful. Loving yourself is more important than approval from others. If that guy doesn't like you because of your hair, he is not worthy. Everyone in your life will not love or even like your hair, but that is okay you don't like everything they wear or try either.

1 comment:

  1. I needed this because even though I act all tough like nobody's opinion bothers me. ... it does! I often notice that alot of things changed about me over time, I constantly gained weight and my hair changed and after almost 3 years I look like a totally different person ( new hair,new body, braces). I'm working on the body part, but I love my hair and I refuse to change it. I just wish I could figure out how to do exactly what I want with it.
